WHY MEN ARE NOT INTERESTED IN MODERN AMERICAN WOMEN.https://youtu.be/isvWEha18u0American Women find 90% of men unattractive.American Men find Modern Women are fickle, unfaithful, unfeminine & don't have realistic expectations.American Men want traditional wives & fear Divorce, Hostage Children, Child Support & losing half their assets.How did this happen?... Read More In Meme#MGTOW #3rdWaveFeminism #Feminism #Women #Men #Love #Dating #Marriage #Relationship #Sex #Hookup #Porn #Liberals #Conservatives #2A #Boomers #Zoomers #Millennials #GenX #GenZ #GenA #Teen #HighSchool #FFA #College #VoTech #Nursing #MAGA #Military #Rothschild #Soros #Rockefeller
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Tricia Newman
Cause most of them are brainwashed idiots, and can't define what they are
I'm glad I'm old and not dating be f....ed up to find out the girl you been banging for the last month used to be a dude