on October 18, 2022
Clarity and expansive perception of life is emerging. You are being advised to see life from a higher perspective. Call out all your mental clutter. Breathe…Breathe.. All is well do not be concerned the Cobwebs are being cleared away as we speak. Communication is your truth take care of the details, pay attention don’t let things slip through the cracks. Take time to hear the truth of others, Spirit is whispering to you, Open your mind to see a situation in a new light. Spirit of air always Represent the mental aspect of your life, it’s a part that has a capacity to discern to analyze, Organize evaluate, add judge those seemingly subtle and unseen Where is composed of the most ratified energy fields, And we’re in constant communication with the vast universe through our breath spirit of air carries the energy of change transformation inspiration mental clarity freedom communication. Native Americans believe the wind where the messengers of life… Many Blessings
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