David Lipari
on October 15, 2022


So why are we only trying to just tax Farmers, for their cattle farts?
Google states;
Vegans are said to emit 60% more methane gas than meat eaters because of their diet and are therefore among the main causes of the greenhouse effect, according to an article published on social media. Experts at the University of Munich respond to this claim with some scientific facts.
Do females fart more than males?
The average person produces about half a liter of farts every day, and even though many women won't admit it, women do fart just as often as men. In fact, a study has proven that when men and women eat the exact same food, woman tend to have even more concentrated gas than men
Since the 1920’s and the Great Depression, Methane has been harvested by humans, as a supplement for cooking and as a gas to propel our motor vehicles, when petrol was scarce during WW2, even after the war and the 1950’s smart operators, choose to cut costs and drive their vehicles on methane, with Gas bags on their roofs, the greater the pressure in the bag the faster the car or truck would run, the majority of this gas was harvested (illegally) taped out of the sewage breather pipes from Metropolitan Sewage and Water Board pipes that ran under pathways in our Eastern suburbs, once the Board found how it was being harvested they made it illegal, instead harvesting it themselves to stop this practice.
Other than a prominent, odorous smell once burnt it was no different to natural gas in gas cooking appliances today, of course fitting a good regulator, such as that used for acetylene and LPG is essential, also as a by-product from Fracking, it is generally burnt off as a waste.
The highlight of this post, is try seeing a little further than the tips of our noses, it is necessary to be objective not oblivious to where or whom the smell is coming from, try not to walk around with a PEG on our own noses, accept that we also produce the same smelly stuff as other plant eating animals!
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