Angelo Genovese
on October 7, 2020
A day after I was permanently removed from Facebook, (Monday) I received phone calls from Patriots in other states telling me they just we're purged as well.
Of course, the coming storm on Facebook bit the big one too.
A decade of memories and information up in smoke in a nanosecond.
They even removed my mother's page with a GoFundMe on it because she has cancer. How evil is that?!
This boils down to a terrorist Act.
From what I hear, the same is going on with news outlets, Trump supporter sites, and anything that constitutional Americans could possibly use to communicate the truth.
My recommendation, for what it's worth, is to listen to real and vetted information.
Do not be Hasty believing anything. Be cautious on any information you receive these days.
Pictures and videos can be faked and are indiscernible from reality.
Even if it is real, who is to know the person speaking has a gun pointed to their family's head.
There are still people out there that totally believe government is going to fix itself and protect you. These are people on both sides of the proverbial fence. I feel sorry for them.
They fail to believe that anything of this magnitude could actually happen.
First off, my mother grew up in occupied Rome during World War II. She seen this shit before. I'm a veteran and I was there on Church Street September 11th 2001.
It's happening! Deal with it.
If you realize the scope of all this, then you will realize shit is going to get real soon.
Get ready for this
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How is one to be ready and how do you know what to do? I have no military training and im old lol
October 16, 2020