Warlord and Daimyo Wakisaka Yasuharu Died on This Day, September 26, 1626Born in Omi, modern day Shiga Prefecture, Wakisaka Yasuharu is typical of the daimyo of the late Sengoku period having served under a number of lords, originally being in the service of Akechi Mitsuhide under Oda Nobunaga. Upon the death of Nobunaga and the subsequent killing of his assassin, Mitsuhide, Yasuharu joined the forces of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, achieving fame in becoming one of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake. As one of Hideyoshi’s most trusted generals, and as commander of Hideyoshi’s maritime forces, he was awarded the fief of Awaji Island in the Japan Inland Sea. He participated in Hideyoshi’s campaign to quell Kyushu, the Siege of Odawara, and both invasions of Korea, during which he annihilated the Korean Navy under Won Gyun in July 1597. Although initially expressing interest in being alongside Ieyasu in 1600, he and his 1,000 samurai sided with the West at the outset. Together with Kobayakawa Hideaki, Ogawa Suketada, Akaza Naoyasu, and Kutsuki Mototsuna, they would betray the west, and side with the Tokugawa. their actions would turn the tide of the great battle at the last minute.For his actions at Sekigahara, Ieyasu awarded him Ozu Castle, a fief in Iyo Province (Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku) worth 50,000 koku, and from there to Iida in Shinano Province (Nagano Prefecture). He died aged 72 on September 26, 1626.
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