Terrie Larkins
on September 25, 2022
"Middle Aged"? "Middle age is the period of human adulthood that immediately precedes the onset of old age. Though the age period that defines middle age is somewhat arbitrary, differing greatly from person to person, it is generally defined as being between the ages of 40 and 60."
Hmmmm...That term USED to be rather foreboding....USED TO BE! I'll be 55 in a few short months and it feels pretty darn good now.
I LOVE that I get to help people! Especially these days! Talking with people, sharing with people...while living life on my terms and enjoying this thing called "Middle Aged" and helping others enjoy it too...As well as those beyond those numbers!
How, exactly? I help my Customers regain and hold onto their vitality!! My Customers WIN with me! They save with Discounts on their very first order! Then they get the VIP treatment with 3 special codes that earn them $60 in spendable credits that they can share with people they know and save them money too! And, they get an automatic $20 off on their second order on top of my VIP Discounts! And...with VIP, on their 3rd order and all subsequent orders, they get DOUBLED DISCOUNTS as well as access to monthly specials! All while getting healthier and looking younger, feeling better and ditching toxin laden products! Plus, I get to do it wherever I'm at! Out on a shopping trip and I get a message from a post I made and I get to help someone from my cellphone sitting in the parking lot...and, I'll get paid on that this evening! 😮🥰 Yeah...How cool as I head in to grab a wedding shower gift for my niece?!!! Happy Sunday!
#WorkingFromMyPhone #SocialCEO #MyBusinessMyWay
#Over50 #Over40 #Over30 #GenX #Millennials #GenZ #HealthierLifestyle
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Steven  welison
You are so beautiful
October 19, 2022