Angelo Genovese
on October 4, 2020
I'll try to be brief.
Here's the Reader's Digest version:
"We are fucked!"
Here's the long version:
We've been set up.
So now the news is saying President Trump and the first lady have covid-19.
You smell the bulshit, right?
Of course, Biden and his wife test negative. This is when all these covid tests show positive.
Trump walked to the chopper like he was walking to the Gallows. Kind of makes you wonder if his Proud Boys remark was the last straw for the Globalists.
He either loses this election, or something very bad is going to happen to the United States.
Don't forget, Hillary and Biden both bragged about having the nuclear football with them as they were campaigning in 2016. Biden, on the campaign trail for Hillary Clinton actually pointed to an officer with the satchel.
I knew that was going to rear its ugly head sooner or later.
It could be something else.
Like releasing a deadly virus upon the world, calling it a mutated covid-19, with people stepping and fetching to get the vaccine because a day are scared shitless.
So, how many of you I've seen a covid-19 patient?
I'm not talkin about a seventy-five-year-old with coronary issues and COPD that tested positive for Coronavirus antibodies.
Me neither, and I'm in the medical profession.
How many of you trust vaccinations?
How many of you trust vaccinations that have been bashed together rapidly?
How many of you trust vaccinations that may have been developed for this very instance a couple of years ago?
Me neither. ?
So what's a good globalist ploy.
The president gets covid-19, so it must be true. President is saying they've developed a vaccine.
Good timing.
How many of you know about "Deepfake"?
It's gotten a lot more sophisticated rapidly.
Go look it up if you don't.
The News, Hollywood, professional athletes, school systems, alphabet agencies, politicians, the military...and so on and so forth.
How do you combat that?!
For God's sakes, they infiltrated the Vatican! Do you realize how serious that is? Do you realize how difficult that might have been to do. Maybe so, when you realize that we had Barack Obama for two terms.
The Moment I Saw the Pope kissing the feet of satanic bad guys years ago, there was no doubt in my military mind of how bad the cancer was worldwide.
Barack Obama was in office for two terms. I don't think he was an American citizen and most certainly was a bad guy.
It gets to the point where the damage is so severe, the patient is terminal.
So what's the point?!
I'll explain that at the end of this rant.
If you defend yourself, your attackers go free and you are charged.
In some instances, people are murdered. Do you remember Duncan Lemp?
That's just one example.
Then there is LaVoy... and all the other people in between the two.
Las Vegas was an obvious false flag where many people died.
Let's not forget them.
9/11... I was there and I certainly will not forget that.
You have not heard much Aluh Akbar recently, have you?
That may change very rapidly.
Here's the thing. The globalists are stalling with releasing subpoenaed information, incarcerating people that should not be incarcerated such as Kyle Rittenhouse, upping the ante on lying and undermining any type of healing process for this country.
They continue their scorched-earth agenda... literally.
They know that it's going to come to a head real soon, so who cares.
Bottom line is this. I strongly believe that we're really not going to have any type of coherent election.
They're going to say Donald Trump lost and then all hell is going to break loose.
Many will understand when I suggest...
Don't keep all your eggs in one basket!
Make sure everything you prepped for is topped off and checked.
If you have been a vocal Patriot and a leader, don't think that you are a insignificant Target.
You probably already put your resume on social media and they got your number. Don't forget, they're already arresting people for social media posts, including a pregnant mother.
Just because some of this happened in another country, such as Australia doesn't mean it's not happening here.
Say it With Me Now...
New World Order
This is a global problem. The United States just happens to be the Crown Jewel Target.
They're even targeting family relations to Patriots. You remember the recent story of a woman being tased and arrested for not wearing a mask? I understand that is a relation to a very outspoken Ohio Patriot.
Of course, the media and Facebook fact-checkers said she was trespassing. She actually bought tickets to go see her child play.
That trespassing story was bulshit.
Look at the video again and see how many problems with that story you see.
There's no need to tear down statues any longer if they burn entire cities.
Libraries, churches, House of Records...pooof! Gone!
Bottom line, the moment many of you have been waiting for is upon us.
It's Showtime.
I said above that this is a terminal situation. We lost the patient.
In other words, We might have lost this country, as with many other countries globally.
The globalists are 1st and short yardage.
And we really don't know to this day how many people on our team are working for the other side.
Dan Bongino just stated that if President Trump loses, he should immediately say he's running in 2024 and step down.
Are you freaking kidding me?!
There's not going to be a 2024 ... for many of us.
It's all bulshit!
I believe we are in a generational fight.
We may be forced to tear it down and rebuild.
Welcome one and all to the mother of all science fiction movies ... and...
we are all extras in it.
Have fun storming the castle.
Good luck and may God be with us.
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