Jeffrey Seay
on August 24, 2022
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Steven James
Who are you trying to convince? Everyone knew! Old news and it seems a waste of time to discuss. As if the US president is making decisions, he's got a script to follow and the powers to be, choose presidents, we don't!
August 25, 2022
Richard Rotenberry
Richard Rotenberry replied - 1 reply
This comes as no surprise to anyone with an IQ over 60...
August 25, 2022
Steven James
Im with you on the issues, but regurgitating facts about Barry and placement into the WH by the Rothschilds gets us nowhere. You are preaching to the choir. You can vote, you can address your representatives. You can protest. I like you find it helpful to ease your mind here. However, it solves no... View More
August 25, 2022
Jeffrey Seay
Jeffrey Seay replied - 1 reply