GREENPEACE FOUNDER : "The fate of civilisation depends on us defeating the LIE that CO2 is a pollutant’’.Increasing concentrations in CO2 (the bubbles that turns Chardonnay in Champagne) has resulted in;😃98% decline in deaths from extreme weather events 😃Increasing crop yields 😀Global Greening 😀Decreases in Child mortality 😀Increases in Life Expectancy 😀Reductions in Poverty 😀Pacific Islands growing in size 😀Decline in Wildfires 😀Heatwaves peaking in the late 1930’s 😀Declines insurance losses from extreme weather However Mass Formation Psychosis and the brainwashing of a generation of gullible children has led to the lie that C02 - the basis of all life - is a ‘’pollutant’’.As one of the founders of Greenpeace, Patrick Moore notes - the fate of civilisation depends on the unbrainwashed defeating this lie. All the facts, data and science is on our side - but we are up against a brainwashed cult, a cult manipulated & exploited by the globalists & the Chinese Communist.
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