on July 27, 2022
The collapse of our economy and food system is inevitable because it is intentional.
The July 28, 2020 report, "Reset the Table: Meeting the Moment to Transform the U.S. Food System, "describes how the COVID pandemic has caused a hunger and nutrition crisis" in the United States that is said to need be resolved. A complete overhaul of the food system.
In essence, it describes how it intends to take control of the food supply and supply chain under the guise of "justice", "equality" and "environmental protection".
One of the keys to this approach is data collection. They want to collect data on people's spending and eating habits, and to facilitate that data collection, they want to move everything online, including education, medicine, and food shopping.
The title itself reveals what it is about. "Reset the Table" is a clear allusion to the Great Reset, which was officially announced by WEF (World Economic Forum) founder Klaus Schwab and the Prince of Wales in early June 2020. So, just the title tells us that The Rockefeller Foundation's call for a "reset" of the food system is an integral part of the WEF's Great Reset.
Many of those who contributed to the foundation document are also WEF members, which further strengthens this bond. In the preface, Rockefeller Foundation President Dr. Rajiv Shah also points out that a "comprehensive manual" to address the food system will need to address other issues, including "subsistence wages" and "housing", and these will be addressed. in The Great Reset.
Schwab coined the term "fourth industrial revolution", which is really just another way of saying "the transhumanist revolution". In short, it refers to the integration and consolidation of artificial intelligence, robotics and the merging of man and machine, which will inevitably trigger dramatic social changes.
People displaced and rendered useless by robots and/or enhanced humans will need some sort of subsistence allowance and a roof over their heads.
Of course, in exchange for a room and a table offered by the government, you'll have to give up everything that makes life interesting. A few years ago, the WEF announced that "by 2030, you will have nothing", and he was serious. The elimination of private property rights is part of this plan. You will be "taken care of" by the government, but you will be trapped in a system of slavery.
For decades they have moved the pieces of the world chessboard to create the scenario we are in now, with the destruction and collapse of supply chains, food production, infrastructure and the economy. They must destroy all old systems to declare them obsolete so they can introduce new systems.
And I know that people will not accept these systems of slavery unless they are absolutely needy and desperate and have no choice but to obey. Knowing this is the plan, what does it mean for us? It means you must:
a) Prepare ourselves, so as not to be victims of its intentional destruction
b) Refuse their plans at every step of the process
c) Build parallel systems that cannot be controlled by them
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