Father's Appointed
on July 17, 2022
Can you see the sickness of these two! Can you see the truth!
I strive to bring an awareness of the immense evil that has encompassed all life on this planet!
The world is in extreme danger that it just cannot comprehend!
Can you see the hate always threatening within their religious rhetoric? They are manipulations for control purposes.
Can you see the sickness that they've infested the world manipulating and twisting the Minds of all?
Where people have built Cathedrals, Filled stadiums, and Surround a box, they have billions following them!
There are people in this world that believe they are the chosen! Believe it’s God talking in their head, they’re in communication but not with Divine entities. They're in contact with highly advanced and extremely cunning beings that are using technology to communicate and deceive them.
Many people believe it's God's giving them messages and speaking to them. They'll hold to this belief with a vengeance and call you Devil Spawn! If you should say anything against this mental manipulation.
Their constant bombardment, constant perfuse insistence you submit! They demand that God the concept of God infest every inch of society.
The World cannot see how God by any name and Christ are slithering deeper
into society!
With the repetition of obedience, condemnation, and hate. The religious cling to these entities they call Divine love, even though all the hospitals are full.
Even in the face of tragedies, where any rational mind would conclude that there is no God. The religious buckle down twice as hard holding prayer groups and such for the Dead.
What the religious don't understand is that God's absence will be used as a powerful manipulation tactic when the Devil and Christ make their move. This will not be a direct manifestation, they will be incorporating a multifaceted attack. The Devil and Christ will appear after the initial onslaughts.
The world will succumb because it has succumbed already.
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