David Lipari
on July 10, 2022
825000 indigenous men, women and children holding 23,000,000 other Australians multi-Nationals mostly born here, all that have their citizenships held to ransom, all of them totally covered under one constitution since 1901 under one Flag, our Southern Cross that has flown proudly through 2 World Wars and many other conflicts around the World, all members of its services represented by ALL members of our community, both indigenous and others making up every unit in our forces, all proudly march wearing their medals of valour and distinction, each and every year on Anzac Day and proudly we all recognise their sacrifice, service and remember those that did not return, that paid the ultimate price for their dedication to duty.
They are NOT recognised because they are Aboriginals, Torres Strait Islanders and others only as AUSTRALIANS ALL, there has never been a distinction or rank deferment to any race or colour , ALL mates under one sky in the same uniform ready to serve and give up their lives for each other without a second thought in the name of honour and mateship.
How things have changed in the last 100 years, there is NO camaraderie, NO unity, only differences in colour and Aboriginality, in other words either First Nation, Torres Strait IN one group and the rest of US in the other, so how did it come to this in less than 100 years, 3.3% of the population decided to mastermind a simple plan of ‘divide and conquer’ since the Whitlam/Labor days in 1972, there was greater recognition for their race, with the ‘SORRY for the stolen generation’ equality in our constitution with the ‘YES VOTE’ referendum that unanimously gave them equal status, it seems that was not enough, the tent city on Capitol Hill in Canberra, the marches, the close connection to other groups and dissidents rent a mobs, such as ‘Get Up’ and their CEO, Paul Oosting representing over 1.8 million members made up of university students past and present, dressed up in PPE, nurses uniforms carrying placards disrupting traffic and meetings, all with one aim to gain notoriety and awareness for their particular cause, this time it is a small number of mixed race indigenous representing full bloods to have a greater say in our constitution, a third wheel on the cart, the Senate, House of Representatives and NOW Native title members which is highly illegal constitutionally unless a referendum passes a bill to change our system, WHY will we allow 825,000 Australians to have a greater say in how our country is run.
THIS is UN-AUSTRALIAN we are supposed to be ALL equal, no one claiming any more rights than the other, of course even if the majority voted for the proposal it still has to pass the Supreme Courts but what a hide, if we did that, discriminated against one another, we would be dragged before the courts and sued for discrimination (the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex or disability).
To those distractors that choose to alter or change our Constitution for their own ends, beware of the ‘Dog that bites’ we as Australians are extremely ‘soft centred, too easy-going and gullibly’ at times until we realise, we have been had or scammed.
This has only came about since Labor was elected to office and introduced the 'ULURU' agreement, SHAME, SHAME, SHAME.
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