Dustan HardCastle
on July 4, 2022
Get pissed and die mad.
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Tricia Newman
No such thing as pro choice. If there was they would respect a woman's choice to carry that child and let someone adopt it. They are pro abortion, just be honest about your lust to murder the innocent.
July 5, 2022
tommy garrettt
You sound like bidens little bitch because you're making a lot of homosexual references little boy. I have never even mention Trump but you did and you let everyone know what your personal fantasy are now that you shared them in your latest post
July 6, 2022
tommy garrettt
You're a bitch ass punk who can't debate me so you try and joke about me because you definitely can't make a point without joking about what you think a person is all about. Such a small and simple minded little boy you are. No wonder biden is your hero dumbass 😆🤣🖕
July 6, 2022