The Cairo Curmudgeoness
on June 16, 2022
I have never been good at being TOLD what to do or how to think. I was far better at complying IF I was told the consequences of my action (or inaction).
I am sick and tired of enforced compliance with government edicts propagated by a bunch of elitists who have never lived in "my" world. I am tired of both sides. "They" curry favor with empty promises
leading up to the next election. Sanders and Warren have announced a "new" plan to save social security and improve benefits. Wow, I am so surprised, "let's get the old farts on our side". Of course I would like
to see higher benefits ($2400 a year for everyone immediately) a new and improved means of calculating cost of living, a way to provide long term viability. BUT the devil is in the details which is sorely missing.
It seems that day by day every single thing in our country is being polarized and politicized. We need to speak up and not be frightened into submission. We owe that to those that come after us!
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