Gene McVay
on June 14, 2022
Let's say you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and then you learned how to lie and cheat. After accumulating millions of dollars like grandma collected green stamps, suddenly you're a billionaire.
Your problems are over, right?
Everybody has problems! King Nebuchadnezzar went bonkers and ate grass for seven years. The Apostles had problems and you have problems.
The bigger your house, yacht and airplane, the more problems you have.
You have things and you have your own body. How's your health?
Twelve people under the age of 30 made Forbes’ 2022 list of the World’s Billionaires, including four Stanford dropouts, two food delivery magnates and a cryptocurrency whiz.
Some people have huge body guards and are secure unless their body guard falls on them.
Sooner or later these super rich learn what Solomon learned. I'm not going to spoon feed you, with a silver spoon, if you're interested and don't know, look it up.
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Roy Mart
Ha ha a hater of anyone with more money than you. Jealous much?
June 14, 2022