on June 13, 2022
We know personally. Twice subpoenaed by Benny Thompson, Schiff and crew. They asked for every member's information; information we do not store nor verify such as email address, physical address, phone numbers, "text messages" and private messages. They asked for posts we deemed as misinformation and those we felt were threatening to the government. They even asked for credit card information which we'd never even remotely receive as we do not accept them. It was draconian overreach. We did not, nor were we even in a position to cooperate.
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Madelyn Davis
Deborah evelyn Schneider, I was trying to get my message out that what someone says is the most important thing, regardless of how they word it. I guess you could say, it was directed to all of us.
June 19, 2022
Madelyn Davis
Madelyn Davis replied - 4 replies
James Styche
The Supreme Courts view on Free Speech Quoting SCOTUS decision in The New York Times v Sullivan: “ It is a prized American privilege to speak one's mind, although not always with perfect good taste, on all public institutions, and this opportunity is to be afforded for vigorous advocacy no less th... View More
August 27, 2022
Madelyn Davis
Madelyn Davis replied - 1 reply
Magilla Guerrilla
September 2, 2022