Gene McVay
on June 3, 2022
There are 15.9 million Jews in the world.
The population of the tenth largest city, Osaka, Japan, is 19,222,665.
None of the 10 largest cities are in the US or Europe.
The largest city in Europe is Istanbul, Turkey.
The 10 largest cities in the US, all put together, would be smaller than Tokyo, Delhi or Shanghai.
Mexico City is larger than New York, LA and Chicago combined. Population is 21,671,908.
Mexico City out numbers the entire Jewish population of the world.
San Jose, California is larger than Pulaski, Benton and Washington County Arkansas populations combined.
The population of Mexico and Central America is about 315 million.
Population of the world is 7.75 billion. Probably 7 billion want to live in the United States.
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