I doubt many people know that Red Coats marching to Lexington and Concord to confiscate guns from farmers started the Revolutionary War since not much true history is taught these days.Gun control is a tool that individual tyrants and various colonial rulers the world over used to place—and keep—entire populations in a defenseless and subjective posture. Three examples that clearly illustrate the truth of this are Cambodia, China, and Nazi Germany.Cambodia became a protectorate of France in 1893. And according to the Texas Review of Law and Politics (TRLP), the French government first introduced gun control in 1920, when they “restricted” the carrying of firearms.In 1938 “a rigorous system of gun licensing” was also put in place. After this, the gradual but certain chipping away at gun rights continued until—by 1953—”gun possession for self-defense, target-shooting, or collecting was banned.”France pushed gun control because they feared an uprising, especially from Communists or anti-colonial insurgencies.Therefore, just as Democrats in 19th century America took pains to keep slaves from arming themselves and rising up, so too France took pains to be sure those within their protectorate could not rise up against them. TRLP also shows that Mao Tse-tung used guns to take control of China in 1949. Thereafter, he “disarmed the Chinese people” yet simultaneously claimed to rule in their name. Then, with a government that was armed to the teeth versus a people who had no means for self-defense, Mao “perpetrated the largest mass murder in the history of the world, killing approximately 20 million people.”Chinese people were denied the dignity of private gun ownership for self-defense and were then slaughtered on a grand scale.On November 10, 1938, German papers carried the news: “Jews Forbidden to Possess Weapons By Order of SS Reichsfuhrer Himmler.” The news was accompanied by this warning: “Persons who, according to the Nurnberg law, are regarded as Jews, are forbidden to possess any weapon. Violators will be condemned to a concentration camp and imprisoned for a period of up to 20 years.”On November 9, 1938, a Jewish person could lawfully possess certain weapons. On November 10, they could not, and they faced a stiff prison sentence for doing otherwise. In 1942, unarmed Jews were sent to concentration camps and shot to death, gassed to death, starved to death, and killed in other ways too horrible to fathom.According to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, some “six million Jews” were killed in this fashion. And that number does not include other unarmed “enemies of the state” who were killed in horrible ways as well."Are once free Americans on the cusp of repeating dark history?"~Gene McVay
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