on May 26, 2022
☀️ UVA vs. UVB rays… what’s the difference and why should you purchase “broad spectrum” SPF sunscreen to protect against them both? Here’s why! 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽
🌞 UVA rays- While once thought to be less damaging, it is now understood that UVA rays can cause skin damage, aging and wrinkles. This is the main type of UV radiation you get in a tanning bed. Short rays can contribute to sunburn as well. While less intense that UVB, it is now understood that these rays penetrate more deeply into the skin, causing changes at the genetic and cellular layer which can also lead to skin cancer.
⛅️ UVA can penetrate cloud cover and windows, which is why wearing your sunscreen on a cloudy day or even in the car can be beneficial to your health. UVA accounts for 95% of the radiation hitting the Earth and is present in the same strength during day time hours YEAR ROUND! 365 baby 😘
🌞 UVB rays- Contributes to skin cancer and sunburn. Sunburns were once thought to be the most damaging to skin (true in part, but it is now understood how other factors play a role in skin damage now too.) Skin damage is also cumulative over time, the skins DNA can only repair itself so many times before chronic, irreparable mutations will occur.
UVB protection is mainly what the traditional SPF rating referred to until it was realized how bad UVA is as well.
⛅️ UVB doesn’t penetrate glass. But, it can damage your skin year round and reflect off surfaces such as snow or cause damage while you’re at higher altitudes. The intensity of rays fluctuate depending on your location from the equator and according to the time of year.
✅Look for the words “broad spectrum”, meaning the SPF works against both UVA and UVB. Now thanks to FDA regulation of this term, when you see broad spectrum you can rest easy knowing that the coverage is proportional of both UVA and UVB rays! 🙌🏽 Sunscreen without this labeling is behind the time and will likely only protect against the majority of UVB rays while you are still catching all the harmful UVA rays 😳
👀 Peep the “Broad Spectrum” label on Crunchi’s facial SPF (which also happens to be on sale for 25% off right now!)
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