Gene McVay
on May 23, 2022
Have you Noticed Fundamental Change?
I have and I can't say I like it.
Growing up in rural Arkansas, I spent very little time indoors. I played in the dirt, always had a dog and knew what was edible in the woods. A boy could always earn money mowing lawns, delivering newspapers, shining shoes, delivering milk or catching chickens.
I had the measles, mumps and chickenpox. Today's kids have autism, learning disorders, type-1 diabetes, asthma, allergies, eczema, other autoimmune diseases, and even cancer.
Without peanuts I might have starved but allergy to peanuts is among the most common food allergies found in children today. Many schools have declared that they are “nut-free,” meaning that the onetime staple of kids’ lunchboxes - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - is nowhere to be found on school grounds.
Kids received 3 vaccines up to the time I graduated from high school in 1961, now they receive 72, counting the boosters.
In 1970 the autism rate in the US was 1 per 10,000, by 2018 the rate reached 1 per 34.
I'm not a scientist so I don't know what part vaccines & food additives play in our health but even dogs are getting diseases Vets never saw them get before. Some Vets blame vaccines & their food. Dogs are physiologically very similar to humans, so it's no surprise both suffer the same things.
I quickly caught up with vaccines in the Air Force, especially as a Global Qualified Aircraft Commander on the first wide bodied jet. I could be sent from Antarctica to the Congo so I had to already have all the vaccines.
Most of my health issues were caused by exposure to Agent Orange while flying combat missions in Vietnam, not from eating peanuts and grilled cheese sandwiches in the school cafeteria.
My grandpa lived to be 96. He grew peanuts on his farm near Oxford, Arkansas. He ate mostly beans and cornbread and chewed tobacco. He also enjoyed gooseberry pie and so did I.
Parents still have a small degree of control over what goes into the bodies of their children.
We can thank Wichita for fast food, White Castle was founded there in 1916 and soon selling hamburgers for a nickle each.
I am not telling you what to do but you can figure out who is getting rich with all this fundamental change.
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