Mark Robertson
on September 27, 2020
I could just let the image talk.
But there are issues with the bullshit.
Florida, even with its limited restrictions and now totally lifted bans, the damage is done.
Where do you go from here to totally understand the ignorance of the covid-19 restrictions and lockdows.
The theory of protecting and saving lives doesnt cut it. While, maybe it saved a life or two. The countless lives that have been impacted negatively, lost for other reasons do to the shutdown, including suicides. Businesses destroyed with no compensation. The crash and restructure of any economy. Does not justify a means to an end.
We the people do not exist because of government.
Government exists because of we the people.
Anyone still buying or pushing this garbage agenda is either plain ignorant, or they're part of the problem.
I know most here understand.
But if people that are still being controlled by their governors would stand up, don't comply, file lawsuut after lawsuit.
Demand compensation for businesses destroyed. Fill the courts with demands from so called officials, they will stop.
Bidens biggest campaign efforts is to mandate mask requirement nation wide.
Less he has forgotten. Federal Government can not go over Governors heads. I implore the people in states with over reaching governors to stand up, resist mandate, and force your governors to comply to the people.
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