Thec Crow
on May 17, 2022
When I was born Truman was president. I've seen a lot of men come and go in that office. Never have I been so soundly disappointed by a man who would be president than Joe Biden. Jimmy Carter was bad but pales in comparison to the detachment of man from country as Biden. But that's only the watermark of what underlies the countries ills.
The entirety of our bureaucracy is overlarge and unbalanced as to purpose. Every person for themselves along philosophical lines is not a team it is an imbalance. It is an anchor working against the tide of freedom. It must be pared down as Trump indicated and we all know.
Add to this the illegality of the current administration and it is a recipe for disaster. Border? What border? This is a tragedy but it can be repaired. Soon.
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Molly Detwiler
May 17, 2022