An article I wrote today concerning what we are all going through.
As we watch the Democrat party we are made aware of why tribalism was soundly defeated by civilization. Western Civilization to pin it to the wall for all to see. We are witnessing the rebirth of trib... View MoreAs we watch the Democrat party we are made aware of why tribalism was soundly defeated by civilization. Western Civilization to pin it to the wall for all to see. We are witnessing the rebirth of tribes laced liberally with ignorance of what civilization stands for and why it was so important in order to take us out of the Stone Age.
We are also witnessing the end of two party rule if something isn't done. A monarchy is in the offing of Chiefs and braves, prisoners and slaves. It is all so obvious that many can't see the "Handwriting on the Wall."
Well, just another day in the asylum. How'd you do today? Me, I just grit my teeth, turned off the news before I threw something through the monitor, and went for a three plus mile walk. It always cle... View MoreWell, just another day in the asylum. How'd you do today? Me, I just grit my teeth, turned off the news before I threw something through the monitor, and went for a three plus mile walk. It always clears my head to get out and I sometimes pray and that helps immensely.
Then I got back home and got out my Ovation guitar, plugged it in and played "Sounds of Silence." I can sing a lick to so I went ahead and did my best Paul Simon impression. When the dogs howl I know I'm hitting my stride. I hate it when my wife throws that bucket of water on me but at least I know she cares. That's more than I can say about Joe Biden!
My story is starting to gather momentum as my website is showing almost 100 visitors per day now. It surprised the "lo and behold" out of me. I think I can reasonably say that I recommend you take a l... View MoreMy story is starting to gather momentum as my website is showing almost 100 visitors per day now. It surprised the "lo and behold" out of me. I think I can reasonably say that I recommend you take a look at it. The surprising thing is that without this intention, this may turn into a novel.
Originally I was writing only a short story. You never know, do you? Well, you probably do most of the time but I rarely do. It comes with the territory and mine used to be backpacking. What am I doing writing novels then> I ask myself that each time I make a typo.
I now have three chapters published at: The name of the story is, Into the Woods and is a post nuclear war rendition. It is all to familiar in its scope. Enjoy.
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