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Thec Crow
An article I wrote today concerning what we are all going through. https://oddviola.com/2022/06/02/not-your-fault/
Thec Crow
As we watch the Democrat party we are made aware of why tribalism was soundly defeated by civilization. Western Civilization to pin it to the wall for all to see. We are witnessing the rebirth of trib... View More
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Thec Crow
Well, just another day in the asylum. How'd you do today? Me, I just grit my teeth, turned off the news before I threw something through the monitor, and went for a three plus mile walk. It always cle... View More
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Thec Crow
My story is starting to gather momentum as my website is showing almost 100 visitors per day now. It surprised the "lo and behold" out of me. I think I can reasonably say that I recommend you take a l... View More
Thec Crow
I now have three chapters published at: https://oldbyrd.com. The name of the story is, Into the Woods and is a post nuclear war rendition. It is all to familiar in its scope. Enjoy.
Thec Crow
updated their cover photo.
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