on May 16, 2022
Hey all. As you know, big tech stifles our growth in every single way. Please help us organize a mass Facebook exodus and Wimkin event! Even if your friends and family don't leave Facebook fully, they should at least have an account here as we're the ONLY platform that offers free speech that has Facebook features, and we've made it very easy for them. Please download this graphic and share EVERYWHERE. I know many of you do not have Facebook any longer and I commend that as they're truly an enemy of the people, but if you still do, please share this there. In addition, make sure you go into your account settings and set up your unique profile ID (mine is WimkinJason). Your ID becomes your at for tagging, and creates you your own https://wimkin.com/ link to your profile so your contacts can add you quickly. Please help us grow. Thank you do much! πŸ™
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Dennis Plasse
We are all learning and THIS IS JUST A NEW BEGINNING - I like what Jason said Just walk away - for give and find a wonderful way to teach amen
July 10, 2022
Madelyn Davis
Well, I'm thankful for Trump and all that serve him, and I'm thankful for a sandwich. I give all thanks to God. I agree with all here.
July 10, 2022
Harris Leon Malley Jr
Harris Leon Malley Jr replied - 1 reply
Madelyn Davis
July 11, 2022