on May 13, 2022
Incredible that the Biden "Administration" can provide Crack pipes in "smoking kits" to needy addicts but cannot provide baby formula to not even "needy" families, but those that just can't find any formula. If your kids use drugs, parents don't buy them "kits" to use more productively. This "Administration" and current Democrats are literally the biggest joke in the history of the United States of America, and potentially, the entire history of the world. If you're a liberal Democrat and here just to try and bash Republicans and not here to learn what your party has become (an enemy of the United States), you should probably just leave now. If you voted for this "Administration" based on your hate of one man, you're a part of the problem.
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Joseph Vann
Let's get rid of everything that could be addicted..... including them cancer cigarettes 🚬 that most people like to puff on.
October 18, 2022
Rickie replied - 6 replies
Dana Adude
Yeah if we are able to take back anything we totally need to give the Clown House, The FBI, and the CIA and any other individuals responsible for using our government as their personal house of profit an enema!!!
October 18, 2022 Edited