on May 3, 2022
Although, I'm not a Liberal myself (I'm more of a centrist), I want everyone to know that I'm not against true Liberals.
True Liberalism is not against rights or freedoms. Traditionally, they've been pro-rights and freedoms.
What is called "Liberal" or "Democrat" today, is not at all. To control, restrict, or take away your rights and freedoms for your so-called good, is NOT Liberalism. It is extreme Leftism.
Leftists hide among the everyday masses of people claiming they're "Liberal" or "Democrat". They hide within the political parties under these labels too, manipulating the narrative that you are NOT a true Liberal or Democrat unless you embrace their extremism.
Leftists bully or shame other true Liberals/Democrats into promoting their extremism or, "you're not a real Liberal/Dem", is the common tactic Leftists use - resist it! Call them out on their lies!
They polarize people within their own groups to ostracize those who see them for what they really are. They polarize their own groups against other differing groups of people, portraying them as extremists instead.
An example of this is calling everyone who leans right, as being "far right". Most people I know are either centrist, center-right, or, center-left (none are "far-right", or "far-left").
Imagine if these groups joined their voices against those who are truly far-left and far-right (that hide and manipulate both sides and play them against each other) - what would happen to all of their power and persuasion then?
This kind of dangerous Leftism is what you see now in Beijing's crackdown of its own citizens for their own so-called good - if you consider yourself a REAL Liberal/Democrat you will resist and expose this evil form of government mentality!
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