on May 2, 2022
Please read Chapter 1 - The Tenebris Animarum (to understand the background of my story).
"If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"
(Matthew 6:22–23, NIV)
Chapter 2 - The Race - History of the Ancient Darkened Ones
Again, I'm going to let you know what has happened, and will happen. So, you cannot say in the end, "I never knew". It is up to you, and all that read to know, understand, and act before you're unable to.
So, The Tenebris Animarum compounded their influence, power, and riches throughout the ages.
It made sense to them to have families as many other of the oligarchy of their time. The difference between the Tenebris and other oligarchs was the mission they ingrained upon their offspring.
The ultimate goal of ruling worldwide as an organization, but one that would limit the power, intelligence, and prosperity of all other peoples. This was one of the goals that would see even the naive oligarchs and their descendants 'ground down' to the state of servitude that they planned for all peoples, whether common, royal, rich or poor.
Ultimately, even amongst the Tenebris Animarum there was no real loyalty. The goal was much like a race to see which key families would rule the continents. Members would cooperate with each other only as a matter of advantage to see which family would pull ahead in this dangerous race.
Dangerous, because it could mean the death of the head of a family, or the complete wiping out of men, women, children or infants of a clan. It didn't matter how it was done, whether stealthily by poison, or the introduction of a plague, or all out butchery that no one could trace back to the culprit within their respective societies.
They would even use the naivety of the common people to portray Tenebris families as evil, and although there was truth to it, the Tenebris that manipulated the masses were no different.
Tenebris clans played on the hatred of common peoples until they would finally come after the other clans in mobs to butcher their Tenebris competitors. There was no mercy, not even to the young. They would wipe the others out from oldest to the most vulnerable without compassion.
They would do this, to solidify their clans stand and 'thin out the herd', so to speak, so they were another step closer to secure themselves as rulers over a continent at the end of this bloody "race". When this race would end would remain to be seen.
This "race" would see the culling of Tenebris clans, other oligarchy clans that stood in the way. The Tenebris would then seize lands, riches, and more power from others. They would then absorb these resources into the clan to further fuel their 'end goal' for the ages.
Those few in power who saw the Tenebris for who they were would "disappear", or be ruined by unjust slander and legal claims against them, if they tried to warn the masses.
If the Tenebris could demonize the other oligarchy of there time, even common people who knew who they really were, they would be demonized so badly, that their colleagues and other commoners would not take anything they said seriously.
The Tenebris, would use this same tactic against other groups they'd embedded their people in. Whether businesses, ruling authorities, the legal courts of their time, financial trading groups, the sciences, and even amongst the military leaderships worldwide; they sought to mold opinion, manipulate and blind both the powerful and the commoners. They were masters of deceit, manipulation and power, to confuse even others who had influence.
If they could use their power to "thin out" other Tenebris, leaders, and nations, and even all peoples using such power to manipulate, then they could easily rule in the end with very little competition.
Afterall, to have others cull everyone else down for you (by the use of this demonization), in such a race as this, would make it easier for your clan to rule the continents with very little successful uprisings in the end. There would be very few left to challenge your authority.
This was, afterall, the "end game" the Tenebris were very adept at playing. They trained their offspring well to play it, so they could continue this race of constant culling, to position themselves in the right places and make a bid for power at key times; so, they could secure their clan to be a step further towards their ultimate goal. World domination.
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