Chapter 1 - The Tenebris AnimarumI am going to let you know what has happened, and will happen. Some of what I tell you, some already know, some details you will not. Those details will help put some of the other pieces together for a larger picture (that some, deep down, knew or really sensed was already there). A plan was put in motion long ago. So long ago, that it was before your grandparents, and even great, great grandparents, and perhaps even further back then when they even were. So, there was a plan hatched long ago by particular elites. In fact, you could say they were the "most elite among other elites", so much so, that most of the other oligarchs didn't know about this group. You could say that this group was an organization embedded amongst the other privileged groups. They were embedded among the rich, nobles, political figures or historical movements, and they were embedded with a purpose. They walked among the influential and even the military, (which was also a planned action). Befriending other elites, businessman, and all other authorities within the legal and scientific realms of their day were all areas of strategic importance to them. Within these areas they could amass riches, power, and influence while selling themselves as comrades to others who were also of influence and had power and riches themselves. This group used the power and influence they gained from other oligarchs to even manipulate the common people's thoughts and beliefs. If they could convince the common people that their competition was misleading them, and even corrupt, that their competition was even blatantly evil, then the people would turn on them, ruin their businesses, raze their property, maybe even harm or kill them and their families. Some of these competitors were the very same people that had been initially befriended by this infamous group. For the purpose of differentiating this infamous group, we will call them Tenebris Animarum (dark souls, in Latin). And, no, I'm not speaking about the game. If you are interested to read more, then join me for the continuation of the story of The Great Tell (I will publish more in the next couple of days)...until next time.
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Thomas Hall
Do tell!!