Misty Lucas
on April 1, 2022
Oh my shenanigans... any of you following El Hesus Chico or Chico as he goes by finally couldn't take it... my first permission denied! SCORE! Tell me I'm devil spawn for my life experiences why dontchya? His thread never saw so much action in truth. Oh and snark... and I only used the word motjerfucker once... vast improvement. Thoush simp incel and of course dubbing the man who proclaims to hold the mind and power of Christ as the unequivocal Messiah apparently can die on the cross, kick the devil in cooter in hell for 3 days, rise to Glory but can't take a few completely off the top of my head random yet hilarious crumbs of truth.. he choked.. I'm not a bully by nature. I promise this. I was kind and understanding and gave him nothing but respect when it started. Even tried to gently educate him using my own life experiences as a testimony to the real power of God. Then he went off on a tangent with scripture names and numbers challenging me to a Bible thumping duel. I guess mentioning the devil can quote the Bible scripture from scripture hit the nail on the head. He's literally been the cruelest meanest person I have had the pleasure of trolling since I began social media. Using all my truth to attempt to condemn me. To say the very things I was told since childhood. The things I believed when I was told like, Satan spawn and jezebel were terms of endearment. He told me I was in fostercare because my parents didn't love me. I was born to be raped. Of course his words weren't as direct and I can't quote the word salad. But I thank God I got together him. Not an iota of any feeling other than completely amused. I kept his attention deflecting the things he was saying to others for two days now. It's been glorious. Even Jesus laughed. I should be a comedian. Face miles of piles of trial with smiles. Narcissists can't hack it when you recognize them, even more dangerous is knowing and seeing the psychopath. Predators are everywhere online. They victim shame and blame and repeat how you are not worthy. They are like clergy who use doctrine to rape the soul. I battled with wits and won. He loses by forfiet... never ever fuck with a survivor! We been to hell already, you have no power here.
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Call Me V
Very well put!
April 1, 2022
Misty Lucas
When the good Lord makes my enemies my footstool.. thank you! Minus the typos though. Janky phone..
April 1, 2022