Roberta Pate
on March 18, 2022
On Dec 10th 2021 Milo received the Pfizer Vaccine and shortly thereafter suffered breathing difficulties. Two days later, he was admitted to Masonic Children’s Hospital in Minnesota, where he was intubated and diagnosed with Myocarditis.
He remained intubated for a month and a half and is still in the hospital nearly two months later. Milo is unable to sit up on his own or even swallow his own saliva.
His mother Carrie said, “he was fine, and then he wasn’t”.
Milo’s life has never been easy. He was born prematurely at just 23 weeks and battled chronic lung disease throughout his life.
Despite his difficulties, he learned to walk and was bright and expressive in early December, according to his mother, when a doctor at Masonic Children’s Hospital decided he needed the Covid-19 Shot.
Milo’s mother said she didn’t want her son Vaccinated, however, his doctor said he was particularly at risk for a “severe case (of Covid).”
Ultimately, Carrie followed the doctor’s recommendation, who told her the injection was “safe and harmless.”
“I went against my instincts and said, OK, do it. Unfortunately, you can’t turn back time. In all this time, doctors have not been able to clearly explain Milo’s suffering,” his mother said.
Minnesota, USA
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Sad (1)
Tracey Ainsworth
There are many doctors that are complicit in these crimes. That doctor should have done his/her homework on what these shots actually are. Now that the pfiser docs have been released and prove that they are very dangerous. So sad for this little boy.
March 28, 2022