on March 15, 2022
Limits for congress.
The cockroaches have invaded your house, (and your senate) and just like cockroaches once they are in it is nearly impossible to get them out.
The offices that these politicians now hold were never meant to be full time careers, but the lucrative salaries back, door deals and good old boy corruption have made it impossible to dislodge them once they are in office.
The public has for years asked for changes to be made which will limit the number of terms any politician can remain in office but this has become a legal issue, and the majority of your representatives are lawyers who have no interest in walking away from the government trough.
With arrogance and immunity they have put themselves above the law. While enforcing stifling laws on the citizens of this country they have provided themselves with loopholes and exemptions. From ignoring the very tax codes that they themselves have written to sexual harassment no, law is too small or insignificant for your “honorable” politicians to ignore.
It is time that the public is heard and what better time than the present. With corruption and partisan politics being flaunted by this current administration it is exactly the time for the country to get behind a movement to end the abuses. This administration has proven beyond any doubt that it is not a representative body reflecting the will of the people. But instead it has arrogantly undertaken to force its will “on” the people. Your taxes pay the salaries of these pols, and in my humble opinion their refusal to represent you and me is “Taxation without representation”. And there shall be “no taxation without representation”.
This current administration and many before it have flaunted their power over the people instead of giving power “to” the people. The blatant disregard for the taxpayers of this country while favoring special interest groups must be stopped. It’s time to shine a light on this cockroach infested environment.
In November 2022 you have an opportunity to vote to put these people out of work, but it is very important that you are not simply replacing one evil for another. Do your homework before going to the polls. Investigate the records of each and every candidate. Find out where they stand on the issues, don’t simply take their word for what they will do, but judge them by their past actions.
Be nonpartisan, realize that there is corruption on both sides of the aisle. Think before you vote.
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Angry (1)
I am with you brother, but I don't really believe it will help if we don't get 2020 fixed.
March 15, 2022
Mary Carini
Mary Carini replied - 2 replies
Gordon Stanley
My 78 year old neighbor has never voted , She hates Biden .. Needless to say , I'm getting her registered & taking her to vote next election.. Just think , if we all did that with just one person we could wipe the Democrats off the face of the earth..
March 24, 2022