Lisa McDonald
on February 26, 2022
My BEloveds,
PLEASE, be mindful that across the planet, we are all going through some major energy shifts These shifts are causing many of us to be super sensitive, and highly emotional.
It is critical at this time for all of us, to be especially mindful of self care. This is often difficult for many of us, because we have a tendency to take care of everyone else before ourselves. This can and often does leave us mentally and emotionally stretched thin, and feeling very raw.
One of the pitfalls many of us have is that because we take care of everyone around us, we subconsciously believe or at least hope that those in our life will be just as supportive.... or at least somewhat supportive of us, and then we get hurt and offended when they aren’t.
It’s important to remember that we teach people how to treat us. We do this in a number of different ways. One way is by what we allow, another way is by how we treat ourselves, and a third way is literally in how we train them.
How often, when you are talking with someone, do they offer to support you in some way; and you immediately shoot down their offer. They ask you how you are, and even though you are deeply hurting, you put on a fake smile and say, “oh, I’m fine.” Then, you sit in the dark and ruminate that no one ever listens, no one cares. One of the biggest challenges with this is that we are on autopilot. We have done this for so long, that it is subconscious. It’s our default reaction to being offered support. Many times, we don’t even realize we are doing it.
It was once penned, “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” Similarly, it is not others who create our destiny, but ourselves. Look at the people in your life; some are from family, some are from work, others are neighbors and friends. The only thing that they all have in common is you. And you are the only one who can change how you are treated.
We do this by 1) becoming awakened. 2) Consciously taking better care of ourselves, the loneliness and pain we feel often has to do with being disconnected from ourselves more than being disconnected from others. 3) Fearlessly and honestly looking at our patterns, and in how we contribute to the challenges we are going through. 4) Consciously taking better care of ourselves, thereby setting a new example and a new energetic vibration that will resonate out from us to those around us. The better we respect ourselves, the better others will respect us.
~ Brad Simkins
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