Father's Appointed
on February 17, 2022
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My post may seem bizarre…
But I live on a planet where Billions of people worship an indifferent God, actually the Devil, and call the murderer loving! God by any name is a created entity of the Devil and the betrayers that stand with him as are all religions.
A lot of Religious and Non-Religious People are very hostile to my posts. They are usually one-line, one-word insults usually referring to my intelligence level or they say something like, I need God or God will deal with me. Some say that I've taken too many drugs.
This is a response to one of my posts: I laughed my ass off. I have read countless books on the subject. I, however, believe in God: The Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Thanks for the good laughs, keep up the good work. In this post, the writer is implying that I voice my opinion based on literature, and unlike him, I don't get it. I base my post on life experiences. I do not have to read it I have lived it. I understand how hard it is to accept what I say. I know of no easy way to say it this evil group is here and it has set up an elaborate deception. That is hard to see, and harder to comprehend the magnitude of what has happened.
I have had a number of encounters with this malicious group sometimes to the degree of mental and physical damage. One of the things that's hard for the world to understand is the extremely advanced nature of this group. People will continue to say I'm lying or delusional but delusions cannot tell you when somebody is going to die which they have done. It's my belief that they could care less that I put out this information. And find it amusing that I try to get this information out but regardless I will continue as long as I can.
What the World needs to understand is that there's something bigger going on than they can comprehend. Even though it seems that due to some shortcomings in our nature there is an unfathomable amount of people that are somehow compelled to lie about being in communication. There is still a considerable number of legitimate encounters of one type or another. Although for a number of different reasons not all of these individuals come forward and when they do they get lost in the crowd and labeled lunatics with the rest.
One of the things that needs to happen is scientists need to stop asking if there is a God or not. And start asking, how is this group communicating with so many people and where are they broadcasting from.
Just on the degree that people are claiming there in communication either with God Christ the Devil, or Extraterrestrials this would seem a logical pursuit of the utmost urgency.
We are under attack by a being of hate a being that desires to use you and kill you. You have been compromised at the very core of your understanding. We are highly advanced People we are more than you realize and we were sent here on a terraforming mission that mission was compromised there is no celestial power there is only technological power and at this time the Devil and Christ possess that power.
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