on January 1, 2022
Hello everyone. I don't post much on my personal Facebook page nor our Wimkin business page outside of recruiting people to our free speech platform, WiMKiN. That being said however, in this new year, I do want to address some things since 2020 and specifically, why you need to make up your own mind as a "freethinker."
In 2020 and greater than any moment in the history of the world, the government, through their extension of the media, launched their greatest weapon against their own people. Even the most sane were forced to struggle with thoughts such as if they were doing the right thing by being next to their own family members breathing the same air due to a created "virus." Fear is a very real thing. We've never witnessed anything similar to a live, 24/7 death counter on every single channel as if the media had heart monitors on C O V I D patients in every hospital in the USA and abroad. Why is that death tracker now gone from the very same channels? When they separate you from family, they own you.
I see so many posts about the New Year being a great one and HOPE for a better tomorrow and I honestly love them. The purpose of this post isn't to try and take away hope but rather, to have you reflect and stay awake when the government and media try to control you through psychological experiments and fear, and to try and have you realize what 2022 is going to be. As you read this post, please realize that it goes against nearly ALL social media platform narratives and those that do their very best to control your thought process and what you share on their platforms that you're most likely addicted to, and no matter how much you want to, can't get away from no matter how much you complain about. It's well and far beyond time to wake up.
15 days to flatten the curve began in 2020. Was there ever a bigger lie in the history of the world? We constantly watched and consumed as we were intended to, the media through their government masters, insert a wedge into our very own families down to the fact that a simple HUG could prove deadly. That fear exponentially spread. We watched as the proven fake, falsely "commissioned" refrigerated body trucks were seated outside of NYC hospitals in the most corrupt state in our still very fine union. Cuomo was "governor" then with Deblasio as mayor. We consumed what we were fed. We watched as the first time in our lives, White House "reporters" were paid extra per question to belittle and antagonize our President and to do absolutely anything they could to have an outsider they couldn't understand how he was elected, not be elected again. We watched on and on as a control group in an experiment when we were never meant to do or be such by whatever God you believe in. You're a free person with your own mind, heart, and individual health yet we collectively allow "mainstream media" to tell us how to govern our own bodies and pit ourselves against one another by indoctrination of hate for anyone that does not share in our beliefs; whatever they may be.
2020 was the beginning of an experiment. 2021 was an extension of that most evil experiment in the history of the world which led to "mostly peaceful" created violence. When you're able to drive a wedge into the most strong of familiar units through fear, they win. You KNOW your family. You DO NOT know the government nor their most strong arm, the media.. When else has Thanksgiving and Christmas been illegal in the world's centuries of history? If you fell for that fear and were beholden to your government rather than your closest loved ones and their / your God, they've succeeded.
If you think or dare I say HOPE 2022 will be different, WAKE UP. IT WILL BE DIFFERENT, and I mean in terms of worse. You're seeing liberties stolen on the daily. Jab or job. When they take away your "rights" to do what has been written since the beginning of time in providing for and feeding your own families if you don't roll up your sleeve, something is extremely wrong. When they change what your God has told you since the beginning of time, they've superceded your God. If you don't see that as evil, may your God have mercy on your souls.
YOU hold the power. YOU ARE THE HOPE. Your lifeblood and breath are your own and they always have been. Not a soul on this earth can tell you what to do.
I can only hope this message reaches you in vulnerability and for nothing but the reason to see yourself as an individual and to not be controlled by the masses in a collective ideology. I love humanity and therefore, love you all. Such belief is exploited as a weakness but I assure you is the epitome of strength. Love is life. Love supercedes all. Never allow anyone to dictate how you love.
Time is given to you by God. Make up with your loved ones and HUG them. If you're reading this, there is time. That's a blessing. Have a blessed New Year.
WiMKiN Founder
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WE are the red wave. WE are the Storm. Only together can we take back our freedoms. But I agree, it will be tougher than we have ever seen. Many will suffer and have. But so many more are awakening to the truth.... especially with the lies and propaganda of the media. We are realizing how bad 2020 w... View More
January 2, 2022
Richard R Mullins
Richard R Mullins replied - 2 replies
Dana Adude
It's time to take out the trash.
January 2, 2022
Kurt Kinard
Kurt Kinard replied - 1 reply
I totally agree we need to stand together
January 3, 2022