Robert Roberson
on November 22, 2021
My wife's religious exemption was accepted by her employer (She works in healthcare). But as we all know every part of the 1st ammendment has been denied by society and this administration so it will not surprise me if medicaid steps in to nullify it.
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Donald Dorris
Please explain why Medicaid would step in for vaccinations of a healthcare professional. BTW - I work in Healthcare, my religious exemption was denied.
November 22, 2021
Michael Blankenship
Michael Blankenship replied - 5 replies
Donald Dorris
Per the article “But as we all know every part of the 1st ammendment has been denied by society and this administration so it will not surprise me if medicaid steps in to nullify it.” My question was also asking what Medicaid has to do with anything.
November 23, 2021
Robert Roberson
Even if the hospital agrees that it is wrong, they will go with the money. If the executive order says waivers will result in no funds from medicaid the hospitals will go with the money and abandon their employees.
November 23, 2021 Edited