ray Muller
on November 11, 2021
   When the founding fathers were writing the constitution Hamilton pointed out a flaw in what had been written,  he pointed out that there was no direct access by the people themselves and that no government was beyond becoming corrupt and the people needed a way to correct this problem. 
   The solution to this problem was article five. There were no discussion notes on this part of the constitution because there was no discussion about this issue all of them agreed to the wording and adoption of this item and all of the states ratified it. 
   Article five allows the people through the states to call for a convention of states. This has been done a number of times recently but has been ignored by both political parties. 
This can be bypassed as well by a vote of 3/4 of the states.
   Washington will not fix itself anymore it is time to force this out of control government to hear the people again.It is time for
 A convention of states. 
Wake up america..
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