In spite of what yhe politicians want you to believe the United States is not a democracy. It is a Constitutional Republic and none of the crap that has been added to the constitution since the 13th amendment has been done according to constitutional law. Including the addition of the words (of america) that was added to the title of the document in 1871. The United States does not belong to america. Not now, not ever. Here is something you don't find in your history book or your pocket constitution. In 1903 using the ratification of three states congress gave congress the power to levy taxes on the people. Ratification requires three quarters, of the states in order to add any amendment. Hidden history is still a lie. Hidden information is still a lie.Our government is a lie.Our "democracy" is a lie.The united states of america is a lie. WE ARE THE THE UNITED STATES, A REPUBLIC.R.M.
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