Heather Nettrour
on November 7, 2021
Potty training your puppy.
First have a place in your house where the puppy stays when you are not with it. You should still be about where the puppy can see you, but where it is safe to play as you clean or whatever, so your puppy does not get into everything. This will also help it to not find a nice corner to poo in.
The spot should have a dog litter box with piddle pads in it, washable piddle pads or that fake grass piddle pads for dogs. No newspaper.
Why the piddlel pads?
Because you and I know, no one wants to go out at 2:00 am, but your puppy probably will. No one wants to go out in the rain, not your puppy and not you. And if you are busy with a call, someone at the door, your own bathroom break or whatever, even though your puppy is playing nicely in its spot, chewing on a toy, you turn your back and there is pee.
I think it is very impotant for a puppy to have a spot in the house that it is ok to pee.
House training.
You will need to take your puppy out every hour at the day time, after your puppy wakes up, after your puppy has been playing, before and after your puppy eats. If your puppy is sleeping, do not wake your puppy up to go poddy, just take your puppy out when it wakes up.
Your puppy will need a good harness, a good normal leash, not one that lets your puppy go far away from you. You will want to leash train your puppy as you potty train it.
Remember to praise when they go potty outside and give them a treat. Say "no" when they do it inside and take them outside or to the piddlel pad.
Use hand signs for "no" and for "good puppy" as well.
Any time your puppy pees somewhere in the house, wash it very good so it does not smell like pee. Maybe add some lavender oil to your cleaner as it soothes your puppy.
Always use all-natural cleansers near your puppy.
If you are not going to let your puppy sleep with you then make sure your puppy is kennel trained and sleeps in its kennel. Have the kennel near your bed with a fluffy bed in it, a nice toy, and treat. Also set your alarm for sometimes like 2:00 am to bring your puppy to pee.
By Heather Nettrour
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