Americanist Gary
on November 1, 2021
If your choice was between a rabid leftist supported by Stacey Abrams, a globalist member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the CFR, who for their entire 100-year history has been selling out America to the "cause" of "global governance" and the other candidate was the "conservative" Republican candidate who has no known history of being a conservative, constitutionalist or a solid small-government patriot and who is also a dues-paying member of that same globalist policy-tank, the CFR... would you surmise that what you will actually get by electing either will be a significant change in direction?
Well, I hate to be the researcher that breaks it to you, but that's essentially what the VA Governor's race is.
But since the choices "seem" different, and starkly so, GOP lemmings will vote for Youngkin without this knowledge.
Remember: Never blame the messenger. They aren't the problem!
Someone please read this and tell me what Youngkin's conservative background is!
You know if he was, Wiki would attack like a mad dog!
Tomorrow is Tuesday, election day in Virginia, to elect the next Governor of Virginia.
BUT I HAVE TO INFORM YOU, that things may not be as they appear!
How does a patriot "in-the-know" get excited over the choice between a veritable Marxist in Terry McAuliffe and a former 25-year executive/CEO at the Carlyle Group and member of the single biggest and most powerful, true threat, to our national security, the CFR?
VIRGINIA!!! Tomorrow is THE DAY you MUST go vote and SAVE your state from Marxist rule!
It seems that your only "choice" may be to Vote for the dues-paying CFR member, Glenn Youngkin tomorrow and for every Republican on the ballot!
Yes, politics is a convoluted process and choices are often falsely presented and vital information left out. It sure seems to be, in this choice for Governor.
Until today, I had not checked the CFR roster. I apologize! But there he is, Glenn A. Youngkin, CFR member!
I recently heard he worked for the Carlyle Group but given the hype, the rhetoric, and the Youngkin media "narrative" I didn't think much else about it, until today.
Not 1/10th of 1% of VA voters are aware of Youngkin's ties to a group that has been selling out America to globalism and global "governance" for its entire 100-year history!
Should Youngkin win, the media's responses will include EVERYTHING BUT the fact that Youngkin seems to come from the very group that arranged to "elect" their puppet Biden and throw out Donald Trump in 2020.
Who else, reading these words, was already aware of these facts?
Are Virginians being presented with another rigged election and false choice? It looks that way!
What should conservatives expect from a Governor that looks to come from the RINO/Rockefeller wing of the GOP?
You have globalist CFR member Stacey Abrams, a rabid leftist-socialist supporting McAuliffe and a longtime and current CFR-member as the "GOP" candidate!
I simply cannot expect Glenn Youngkin to be a true conservative, patriot or constitutionalist. He doesn't have that history or pedigree!
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