Steve Moortgat
on October 31, 2021
They steal our energy to make themselves strong .
Love takes it back .
Just say NO
Be careful who you share your energy with .
Many just suck all your energy , just say NO I'm done .
Sharing your energy with those that are positive gives you positive energy in return .
The world is in a mess because We Gods gave our power away buying all the crap the CORPORATE dictator's and Satan worshipers have been selling us .
Why buy some crap for you friends and loved ones only for birthdays and Christmas ?
Because that's what they sell .
I say give them something every day that they need or can use to bring them closer to their source ( God ) and happiness ( LOVE )
We are all connected to energies and frequencies of this earth while most live in a dark cave of fear and negativity The i am / we are movement is turning on all the light of our Sun ( Jesus ) and live in and with Nature to share in the bounty that only she can provide .
But mother needs You to take care of her while she grows are food a medicine and all she needs is love
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Love (1)
Steve Moortgat
Looking for Gods to follow university of useful knowledge and common sense . Together we Gods can create anything we desire to make us all healthy , happy and wise . Our mother earth and our only sun need our love to provide us all we need to detox their negativity and fear and restore ... View More
October 31, 2021