on September 16, 2021
Patriots - Recently during a live broadcast, I was asked why I don't leave Pennsylvania for a "Red State" meaning Republican governed and where the majority of voters vote Republican. First and foremost, I FULLY believe PA voted for Donald J. Trump on 11/3/2020 and before via mail-in ballots. I firmly believe the election was stolen. In addition, roughly 5 counties in PA are what has turned this state Blue in the past. Essentially, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and their surrounding metro areas and suburbs are by far the most heavy populated areas of the Commonwealth while rural, conservative areas exist essentially everywhere else. I consider PA Red.
That being said, why on earth would any Patriot ever leave his or her respective state just because it was blue? Unfortunately, Democrats have proven themselves to be deranged and delusional of late and wish to strip you of all of your protections under the Constitution. For years, they have exploited the black population, the poorer population, and immigrants that just do not understand politics. That being said, if anything, we Patriots should flock to these liberal states and cities in droves and start making a change to better our great Country. We should make a change for the People suffering under, and being manipulated by these tyrants to better our lives collectively as a Country. We should work tirelessly to spread God's Word and Love.
If you live in a State or Commonwealth where you don't agree with how your state is being run or with the majority of voters, don't duck and run to a state that's already conservative. Stand up for your domicile and put in the work necessary to bring about change. It's time to realize you're an extremely important cog in the machine of inconformity. We only have strength in numbers however, we DO have the numbers. Stand up, stand your ground and stay put! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
Jason Sheppard - Wimkin Founder
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Rick Cline
Yeah, stay put and stop moving to Myrtle Beach, we don't want you here bc you bring your NY northern shit with you
September 23, 2021
Chris Woodard
I would almost agree with that except CA has almost became communist and has became so expensive that most normal people can't afford it. We have decided that when we retire, we have to go to a state that does not try to take all that you earn.
October 1, 2021
Tom replied - 1 reply
April kerchner
I agree with you 100% im staying put!!
October 2, 2021