on August 28, 2021
Please join Jason, Emily and Dana from Wimkin Social Media, Wendy Bell Radio, Doug Mastriano Fighting for Freedom, Brock Schneider and so many more on 9/12/21 at the Shanksville, PA Flight 93 Memorial! We will be honoring the passengers who fought back and those that lost their lives on this fateful day as well as defending America! We will never, ever forget!
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David Rich
Philosophy can teach us a lot and give us more freedom than we can imagine if we are aware of the tricks the elites play to try and usher in global authoritarianism.. https://youtu.be/mgGZlWxYWL8
August 30, 2021 Edited
Jean Strong
What's up with this dick measuring contest you two are having πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
October 12, 2021
Jean Strong
My phone doesn't do the symbols. Just my laptop
October 12, 2021