Marsha Errington
on September 19, 2020
Today, I attended a wonderful herbs class. The speaker told us and showed us plants that can be found anywhere for medicinal purposes. The honeysuckle bush is goid for insulin. That sticks in my mind... there are plants for pain, fever, anxiety, depression (called the happy plant). There are herbs for every health condition we can think of. I'm sharing only a few of many pictures.
Let me say this... what I heard and saw today reinforced the proof that our God is mighty. He has supplied us and the animals what we need for ailments. I told my husband that the animals know all about those plants for food.... blueberries have more than just a food purpose. We never see many wild animals all over the place that may have died from a bad health condition. I know they are out there, but we don't see them compared to the animal population.
After today's class and the wonderful people that I was with, all I can say is I am more amazed with the way God created everything. I understand why Gid told Job that he would not understand the way God created everything even if he tried. God is good all of the time!
Church is tomorrow.. Faith Family Church of God, Pearl, MS... You are invited!
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crystal turner
Wish I could have been there. I would love to learn more.
September 21, 2020