on July 12, 2021
The radicals that have taken over the federal government are salivating to federalize Texas elections with every cheating-enabling mechanism known to man. Only one Democratic Senator stands in their way. The odds of him standing against the "by any means necessary" crowd are long.
Toward that end, State Rep, Mike Schofield reintroduced this morning his "trigger bill" that will separate Texas voter registration lists and voting for state officials from federal voter registration lists and voting for federal officials IF a new federal election law is passed that conflicts with the Texas Election Code.
The special session bill number is HB 237.
The idea of the bill is that the elections would be held at the same time and place, but that only those on the Texas voter list would be allowed to vote in non-federal races. And Texas voting procedures would be used for non-federal races. This would be similar to co-locating partisan general election or primary races and non-partisan school board or MUD district races in the same polling place.
We need to find a Senate sponsor for this bill. Please contact your State Senator to ask him to lead on this in the Senate. The perfect person to lead in the Senate would be Senate State Affairs Chair, Bryan Hughes from northeast Texas, SD 1. If you live in his district, please call him, today to ask him to file a companion to HB 237 in the Senate.
Also, contact your Texas State rep to ask him or her to support HB 237. The bill will almost certainly be assigned to the Select Committee on Constitutional Rights & Remedies. Contact the committee clerk, Shannon Houston (who works for Chair Trent Ashby) at 512-463-0508 to ask Chair Ashby to rapidly hear the bill.
The other members of the Committee need to be contacted. They are:
Chair: Rep. Trent Ashby (R)
Vice Chair: Rep. Senfronia Thompson (D)
Members: Rep. John H. Bucy III (D)
Rep. Travis Clardy (R)
Rep. Charlie Geren (R)
Rep. Jacey Jetton (R)
Rep. Ann Johnson
Rep. Stephanie Klick (R)
Rep. Brooks Landgraf (R)
Rep. Oscar Longoria (D)
Rep. J. M. Lozano (D)
Rep. Joe Moody (D)
Rep. Victoria Neave (D)
Rep. Matt Shaheen (R)
Rep. James White(R)
Contact info for the House is found at:
The syntax for phone numbers for the Senate is 512-463-01nn where nn is the number of the Senate District for the senator.
The reality is that this vote will likely be made on a partisan basis, so focus on the Republicans on the list is best.
Here is the link to the text of the bill:
Dimension: 600 x 600
File Size: 20.85 Kb
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