Kevin Espeseth OP ED
on June 21, 2021
Kevin Espeseth OP ED, ... post -2.... June 21; ... International Relations (ALL countries) ... As mentioned in the title post (yesterday), to over come a dam stop of a single placement (or small group) is to enforce to get a larger number involved (setting a president of automatic audits for each federal elections). - The same needs to be done to the 1%. - How ever it is accomplished; taxation, defunding, tariffs, lack of support on services, even to the point of military blockades, etc., the 1% (continuously) need to be set into the 10% bracket. If not, that is how feudalism starts. And, it needs to be done on 2 levels, business (including ares like the CCP) and personal incomes. With a increasing amount of business -in particular- competing on a level playing field, we all become healthier, and corruption (never missing) can become manageable, as an example (for BLM and CRT, ANTIFA, etc.)... 95% of the world garbage for the past 500 years, can be traced back to the point of origin in England; THIS IS THE FREAKING TARGET FOR WORLD PEACE! ..... Once that is done, we can restructure the UN, to make it actually viable for the population again: Ya, we need a cohesive world foundation.
That being said, it needs to be concise, simple, and complete, so as not to be able to be corrupted.
This available with the amount of money and resources supplied to UN, (5% (?) of GNP and military personnel from each nation).
UN objective needs to change to that of disaster prevention;
(If x amount of people die, in x amount of time, in x amount of space, UN sends in personal. Security Council decides how they are equipped).
This the only world influence on the individual countries.
And these /Hillery are the reason it is not done.
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Kevin Espeseth
....these and Hillary are the reason... (still getting used to format)
June 21, 2021