Angelo Genovese
on September 18, 2020
?Please share this?
ALERT: ASDG09172020
The attached maps show petroleum and gas pipelines.
This is the next Target for the socialists.
Yes, I have Intel.
The logistics of trying to protect every square foot of these Pipelines would be impossible to achieve.
Pumping stations and Junctions are very vulnerable. Some of these pipes emerge from underground and run on the surface. Many are buried shallow and are accessible.
Most are clearly marked. ?
First, as many who know me have come to find out, many events that are taking place now, I spoke about a long time ago.
I'm not fear-mongering and don't have aluminum foil on my head, as many have come to realize by just looking out the freaking window today.
Secondly, for those that think there's nothing they can do about it, you're wrong. Yes, we might not be able to stop the attack, but we can prepare for the aftermath of such an attack.
A) Make certain your vehicles have a full tank of gas all the time.
B) If you have a place to store fuel safely, do so immediately. Even if you do not use diesel fuel, have at least 10 gallons of that as well, minimum!
C) Either allocate a portion of fuel for a generator, or just make certain your generator has a full tank.
? Fuel should be used for transportation, not totally consumed by a generator to keep your frozen waffles cold. Generator use should be used sparingly and wisely ?
D) Buy lamp fuel (AKA: lamp oil), and get plenty of propane. In some places, kerosene is really expensive, but can save you from freezing to death.
Compare the price with diesel fuel. Propane is a better fuel to heat you up and with the right set-up, illuminate your surroundings.
E) Do research! There are many other things you can do with sufficient reserves of various fuels... it is beyond the scope of this post to go into it all. We're one second before midnight...if you haven't prepared by now, you best hurry up!
If you are very near underground gas pipelines or petroleum pipelines, try to observe for strange activity and develop a plan for a RAPID escape.
Most of these lines are under extreme pressure and can generate a violent explosion and/or spray ignited fuel a great distance.
Practice knowing wind direction, as this is extremely important.
Use your American flag, (you better have one), too quickly visualize wind direction and strength. A windsock works as well.
Extreme heat, noxious fumes and rapid oxygen depletion can debilitate you in seconds.
If things get really bad, there might not be an ambulance or a hospital.
Try to avoid getting hurt.
Calling 911 may not be an option.
You may be the one to protect yourself and others from catastrophe. Don't be deputy Barney Fife, but don't be complacent either.
Use binoculars... or a scope.
Don't walk to your death please.
On a related note, derailment of tanker cars is also easy to do and can cripple the chain of supplies. Crippling rail lines is a high priority Target. Adolf Hitler himself sent spies to the United States to sabotage American Rail lines during World War II. It's nothing new.
You cannot deliver by truck what trains deliver on a daily basis.
Leftist dissidence have done this recently and are currently doing this in many countries around the world.
Tanker cars carrying Fuel and chemicals can ruin your day if you're close to the event. Even if you're not close, supplies in your area may soon be limited.
In closing, get off your ass and prepare, if you have not done so already.
FYI: A person is never-ever totally ready!
But, you can be prepared.
There is a difference.
Think about what could happen and prepare for it.
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