on May 23, 2021
Hey all! Happy Sunday! Wendy Bell will be streaming live for the first time on Wimkin's own software tomorrow as well as on Facebook and YouTube through Wimkin's channel as their YouTube channel is still down. If you've not yet signed up, please do so at www.wimkin.com. Once signed up, you can watch the show live and comment (just like you do here on FB) from the Wimkin app on the Wendy Bell Radio profile or on the web at www.wimkin.com/RealWendyBell. For those that do not wish to comment or would like a larger screen version, you can even watch the livestream right on your Wimkin homepage on the web! Wimkin's livestreams are on their own servers and our own property so their content is assured to be safe with us. Please spread the word and add Wendy Bell Radio at www.wimkin.com/RealWendyBell. Thanks
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Woody Wood
Why did Wimkin go down?
May 24, 2021
Jase replied - 1 reply
Cindy Shivers
When will I be able to share links again? This is REALLY frustrating, 1f615.png
May 24, 2021
Cindy Shivers
Cindy Shivers replied - 3 replies
Cindy Shivers
I use my iMac desktop only... and my browser is updated. I've tried in other browsers... same thing happens. Jason. It happened 3 Wimkin updates ago.
May 24, 2021