on April 30, 2021
Wimkin, since our inception in September of 2020, has been at the forefront of several movements, including spreading the truth regarding Covid. As such, we've been slammed by the left and removed from the app stores. We're undeterred.
I am pleased to announce that we are offering businesses that do not require patrons to wear a mask, A FREE SHOWCASE PAGE and ADVERTISING on Wimkin! Yes, this is REALLY REAL!
Simply sign up at www.wimkin.com (Android users can download the App on the homepage but Apple users must use the web version) and create a personal profile and then business page or group! Once we verify you're a maskless enterprise, we'll be glad to feature your business in its proper category or as a sponsored post for all of Wimkin to see! This is another way we fight for our Patriots! Stay strong and safe!
~ Jason
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I wouldn't push anyone off who has ideas other than ours regardless how radical they may be. Dialogue is not created by silencing those that have different views, that is a marxist tactic. I would rather try to red pill them.
May 1, 2021
Jeffrey Rice
Glad to be Aboard, and I WILL keep trying to Recruit OTHER like-minded Patriots, from Fashistbook!
May 1, 2021
Pat Orsban
Its beautiful, here in Western NC, if a store requires a mask, I tend to avoid that kind of place. The rebellion has begun.
May 2, 2021