on April 15, 2021
The www.WMKN.news basic shell is up. (Please note - nothing is on there yet.) We're constructing a studio set with broadcast streaming capabilities and for live correspondents within the next 60 - 90 days. The hardest part is finding content editors due to legal and copyright reasons if you report on or share others' photos, videos or material. It's going to be a challenge but everything worthwhile is. Now, you'll have true unbiased Social Media tied into an unbiased news source. We will continue to fight for the freedom of your voices, and www.wmkn.news will be "Where Fake News comes to die." We'll keep you posted! Thanks!
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Temi Pene
Get together with UNN in England your goals are the same and will make bith stronger
April 19, 2021
Temi Pene
Temi Pene replied - 1 reply
Bernadette Ash
Why is Wimkin NOT allowing me to post videos????
April 19, 2021
Bernadette Ash
Bernadette Ash replied - 2 replies
Nancy Hoagland
I'm so excited to see this happening. Prayers are going up up up!!!2665.png
June 11, 2021