on April 6, 2021
Hi . My name is Frostee . I am a rescue cat and I will be two years old in June . I'm part tabby and my coat is medium except my back legs and around the base of my tail where it's really short . Guess momma ran out of fur when I was born . I love being petted and playing with my two roommates Fuzzee Butt and Missee . The toilet seat is my favorite spot to nap except for whenever I find dads chair empty . If dad goes to the bathroom I jump up on the side of the tub so he can turn the faucet on drip because I love drinking from the faucet . I'm a climber , unlike my pals , so dad has had to block off several areas so I don't get hurt . I like sitting on dads desk while he reads or gets on the computer . If he's on the computer I like chasing the cursor all around the screen . Dad says I'm his handsome little boy . Just check out my eyes and I bet you will think so too .
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